Vegan GF DF Chocolate & Honeycomb Terrine

Vegan Chocolate terrine So we have dinner regularly with some of our friends, alternating between who hosts and we always make a new pudding.

So I made this amazing chocolate terrine! The best thing about it is that it is simple to make and can be made before hand and all you have to do is to pop it out of the freezer a couple of hours before serving.

So lets set down to it! Continue reading

Gluten Free ( & DF) Lemon Meringue Pie

GF Lemon Meringue PieLemon Meringue Pie is my joint favourite type of pie, tying only with Banoffee Pie (Link). It is a pud that is perfect all year round, it is perfect in the summer but is also perfect in the winter when you want something that is light and refreshing.

Lemon Meringue actually reminds me of my late Nan who passed away earlier this year, as she used to serve one each time we went over for dinner. So when I went GF due to my intolerance (Link) I knew I had to get my recipe for this perfect, and I can safely this as done the trick.

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Step by step guide to making GF/DF Marzipan

GF Marzipan

So I needed to make some marzipan to cover my scrumptious looking Christmas cake (Link), this is so easy to make either to cover a cake or to make yummy little marzipan bites which will make lovely little snack to put in lunch boxes, wrapped up to make a nice pressy or put out in a cute bowl for guests (or yourself). Continue reading

GF Toasted Marshmallow, Chocolate & PB Cookies

GF CookiesWarning: These cookies these are not for the faint hearted, they are incredibly moorish and not being modest at all breathtakingly yummy. 

I made these beauties to take into the office for a Movember bake sale, I wanted something that I could eat (and my fellow GF collegues) but that anyone could eat without having a clue it was GF.

This did just that, no one knew they were GF until I told them after they had scoffed them down/ realised I had brought them in.

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Gluten Free Christmas Cake (Step by step guide)

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… well it is in my kitchen anyway.

Gluten Free Christmas CakeSo it is a little bit over due, with several of my friends making their cakes at the end of September, but better late than never and now a the perfect time.

Making a Christmas Cake can be pretty daunting (to fruit cake virgins) so I have documented the process step by step. Continue reading

Review: Sainsbury’s Free From Digestive Biscuits

photo 2(8)I brought these biscuits to make the base of my fabulous gluten free banoffee pie (Link) and they really did do the job well, it was a shame however the reason the base for the pie was so lovely was due to the butter and chocolate that I added to it.

I brought 2 packs and had almost 3/4 of a pack left after the pie, however all but one are still in the cupboard over a week later.


photo 1(11)So why  you ask are these biscuits still in the cupboard and not in the depths of my belly? Well they are flavorless, have a odd crumbly texture and resemble nothing of a digestive, they are £1.35 (Link) for about 10 biscuits.

Overall opinion Mr Sainsburys you can do better!  So all in all I give them a 2/10.

They only scored the points that they did because they helped make such a yummy pie.

I have reviews loads more GF products so you don’t have to try out the dud ones feel free to check them out 🙂 (Link)

Gluten Free Banoffee Pie

Banoffee Pie is one of my all time favorites possibly only beaten by lemon meringue pie (Link- Coming soon) depending on my mood.Gluten Free Banoffee Pie

This pie is definitely not for the faint hearted or those calorie counting, but it is so simple and just dam delicious and is a great thing to whip up if you have people coming over for dinner and your guests won’t even know it’s gluten free. Continue reading

GF Recipe Index

Main Meal


Snacks & Breakfast ideas